Sunday, April 5, 2009

Kid's Birthday Party

A birthday party for a child is such a big event here in NY.
I don't know much about outside of NY,probably should be same in other cities all over the US.

As far as I know,most families in Japan have their children's birthday parties at their own houses and mothers cook some food such as sandwich or fried chicken for kids.The kids just hang out and have fun there.

Here is very different.Kids birthday parties are very organized and commercialized. There are tons of party spaces for kids and generally kids parties have some themes.

Popular themes for toddler girls are like Disney princesses,Hello Kitty,Barbies,Dora the Explorer and so on.
For toddler boys,Spider man,Thomas ,Dinosaurs....
We can purchase these character's or themed party supplies on line.
Last year I got Winnie the Pooh's supplies by "Birthday Express".It was very easy.
Also,many activities are planned for the parties. Dance,Music,Gym,Crafts...even Pony riding!!

In terms of food,almost no moms cook by themselves...just order pizza.9 parties out of 10 have been pizza!!!
I was confused with such exaggerated and commercialized parties for the first few times,but now I got used to it.
As long as kids are having fun,what am I supposed to do? .. even if it costs a lot....
Today we've booked a party space for my daughter,despite her birthday is in July.

Here is another stressful thing to me that we need to plan a party and reserve a space a couple months ahead.Otherwise, popular spaces will be all booked.
Anyway,we took an advantage this year!

I found daffodils near our house.
Finally the spring has come!

onegaishimasu... ↓
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