Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A gift for a new born baby

One of my friends safely gave a birth to a baby boy yesterday!!
Congratulations!! I was so excited with the news.

I heard that in the US mothers stay in the hospital only for 2days in case of natural delivery,and for 5days in case of Cesarean operation .
Isn't it too short? Mothers can't take a rest even after such a hard event.However,a good point of a child delivery in the US is painless delivery.

In Japan,there are not so many hospitals that deal with painless delivery.Beside,it costs about twice as much as a natural delivery.
As a matter of fact,a natural delivery without drug is common in Japan. And also I think it might come from Japanese culture something like ..a mother has to be tough and strong enough to get over the terrible pain .But I am not sure...
I am just wondering why Japanese hospital wouldn't take painless delivery more .

My Japanese friends who gave a birth in NY were telling me that it was much easier to give a birth in the US than in Japan.
It might help the birth rate increase in Japan .

Meanwhile I am looking for a gift for my friend's new baby now.
And I found very cute socks.
I like these Maryjane socks by Trumpette...,these are for a girl though. (→above picture is Maryjane socks)
Johnny's socks by Trumpette are also cute.
(→Johnny's from Trumpette)
They look like wearing shoes.

I usually get a gift for a baby or a child at
Janie and Jack.I love this shop ,especially girl's clothes are very lovely.

onegaishimasu... ↓
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