Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's tough to be a babysitter

My daughter's friend came over to our house for a playdate.
Most times her babysitter brings her and her 2-year-old little sister as her family has 4kids and their mother's hands are full.

The babysitter is a very sweet and nice woman from the Philippines.
Some mothers don't like chatting with babysitters while the kids are playing because their job is taking care of kids,not chatting with mothers.
That is true.But I don't mind,it's a good chance for me to practice English conversation.
Besides, I like talking with the people who have totally different backgrounds.

The sisters often have fights for toys , food, or plates ..whatever.
Yesterday they had a fight for a doll .The babysitter tried to stop them but they got crazy more and more.Finally she got upset and told them,
"Stop it!!!!.Behave yourself! Otherwise we are going home right now!"

But the older sister retorted,
" Don't be bossy!!! You are not my mother! Only my mother can give me scolding."
I felt badly about that,even if that was her job.

Afterwards she told me about her friend who was a babysitter as well as her.
When her friend scolded a 5-year-old boy whom she was taking care of,
he somehow called 911 behind her back.
Then the policeman examined her on suspicion of a child abuse.
Nevertheless she obviously did nothing to him ,she felt uncomfortable with the family.After all she quitted working for them.

It's unfair.....
It's really tough to be a babysitter.

(↑photo :pajama night)

onegaishimasu... ↓
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