Friday, April 17, 2009

A Chat day and Ciao Bella Ice cream

I never understand why ladies love chattering....I am not an exception.
When I was a little child,I always thought why moms were talking for such a long time.
That is exactly what I am doing now.

On our way home from my daughter's school,I bumped into my neighbour in the same apartment whose son is the same age with my daughter and goes to the same school.
They recently moved in from other city of the US.The mother asked me to have a playdate at the yard in our apartment. My daughter was supposed to have a playdate at my Japanese friend's house later,but we had more than 2 hours until then.So I said to her "OK" with pleasant.

While the boy and my daughter were playing at the yard,the mom and I were chattering .Our topics were basically nothing serious...such as good supermarkets,restaurants,schools,kids activities....
It was the first time that I gave information about our town to an American. Usually people don't think I know this town well because I am a foreigner,That is true though.
So she is unusual.But I was so glad that I felt like I was regarded as a resident of this town ,not as a foreigner.We kept talking for about 2.5hours .
Conversation with moms really help my English improve since I am not going to any language school now.

After that,I visited my Japanese friend and chatted again.
So it's counted I had been talking for total 5hours!!
When I came home,my voice got husky.So I ate ice cream to soothe my throat.
Ciao Bella Gelato is my family's favorite. They seem to have begun at Little Italy in NYC.
Their ice creams are delicate taste with a hint of sweetness.I ate Vanilla and Blood Orange.
Both of them were very good!!!!

onegaishimasu... ↓
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