Saturday, July 11, 2009

Outdoor Movie

My daughter and I went to the outdoor movie with my friend for the first time.I've never taken her to a movie theater yet ,but the outdoor movie seemed fun for kids and it was free.we can leave whenever the kids get bored or tired.
Besides the movie was "Madagascar2",which was my daughter's favorite.

We arrived at the big field around 6:30pm.I saw the huge screen in front of us.
I was excited with the giant screen, "This is very American!!"
Most nice spots were already taken.However, we could find a spot.

We had supper together on the picnic sheet and the kids were playing on the grass until the movie started.
It was a little hard for little kids as we had to wait for getting dark until 9pm.
Finally the movie"Madagascar"started!

It was so much fun to watch the movie on such a huge screen.
But it was a shame that we had to leave in the middle of the movie as it was chilly outside in spite of July.

onegaishimasu... ↓
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1 comment:

  1. You know, it reminds me my childhood...
    It was so lovely with friends and families outdoor.
